Maximising vertical height of document view

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Maximising vertical height of document view

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Although it is good that computer monitors have wide 'landscape' screens, because this helps us to have multiple document windows all visible or partially visible, a wordprocessor screen ought ideally to have 'portrait' orientation, because that is how most documents are arranged. When using my laptop with a separate monitor screen, I like to use both screens - laptop and monitor; The I rotate the monitor to portrait mode, and use this for my wordprocessing document writing/editing, and I use the laptop screen for everything else.

When using the laptop on its own (ie most of the time), I try to arrange the screen for maximum vertical height of the visible part of the document.
Although I keep the 'Format toolbar' along the top, I move the 'Standard Toolbar' to the left vertical edge. This gives me a taller document wondow.

Can anyone tell me please, how can I remove the horizontal strip displaying the document title along the top of the TM window? I don't need this when I can see the current document name on its tab, and removing it would further increase the vertical space available to the document display.

Also - and this is a long shot - could SoftMaker consider further improvements by making available some settings for these additional options, all designed to maximise visible screen-height available to the current document?

(1) Provide a 'full-screen mode' in which TextMaker expands to the very edges of the screen,
over-riding any system settings about keeping the taskbar on top?

(2) Have the TextMaker menu strip scroll up out of sight, to auto-hide above the top of the screen'
and auto-appear only when moving the mouse pointer up to 'hit' the top of the screen?
(Preferably with any toolbar also jammed right up at the top, so that when the menu strip
is brought out of its hiding place, it lies temporarily over the top of the top-of-screen toolbar.

(3) Alternatively, have EVERYTHING, along both the top of the screen (menu and toolbars) and the
bottom, auto-hide, to auto-appear only when the mouse pointer bashes the top or bottom edge.
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Re: Maximising vertical height of document view

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestion. I have forwarded the details to our product management...
Posts: 380
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:06 am
Location: UK

Re: Maximising vertical height of document view

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Thank you.
I also asked a question.
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