I have been busily typesetting my book and have run into a mystery that so far has defeated me. I have a paragraph that breaks about 5/8 of the way down the page, in the middle of a sentence, with the rest of the paragraph moving to the following page. I thought there probably was an aberrant page break, but if there is, it won't delete. The text was copied over from an MS Word *.docx file, so there could easily be some hidden character I'm not seeing. Is there a way to show hidden characters in TextMaker?
Here's how I got to where I'm at:
- First, I created a template (*.tmvx) with margins, fonts, and styles set the way I want them in the book.
- Then I opened the *.docx file from MS Word, selected all the text, and copied it.
- Next I pasted into a new document based on the template I had just made. Currently editing in *.tmvd format.
Again, I'm assuming that something weird copied over from the MS Word file. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?