Need help solving a mystery break in the text.

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Need help solving a mystery break in the text.

Post by jtreagan »

I have been busily typesetting my book and have run into a mystery that so far has defeated me. I have a paragraph that breaks about 5/8 of the way down the page, in the middle of a sentence, with the rest of the paragraph moving to the following page. I thought there probably was an aberrant page break, but if there is, it won't delete. The text was copied over from an MS Word *.docx file, so there could easily be some hidden character I'm not seeing. Is there a way to show hidden characters in TextMaker?

Here's how I got to where I'm at:
  • First, I created a template (*.tmvx) with margins, fonts, and styles set the way I want them in the book.
  • Then I opened the *.docx file from MS Word, selected all the text, and copied it.
  • Next I pasted into a new document based on the template I had just made. Currently editing in *.tmvd format.
Again, I'm assuming that something weird copied over from the MS Word file. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
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Re: Need help solving a mystery break in the text.

Post by Jossi »

To show hidden characters, go to Tools > Options, tab "View" and check "All" in "Show unprintable characters" or click the paragraph icon in the toolbar/ribbon.
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Re: Need help solving a mystery break in the text.

Post by jtreagan »

Thanks, Jossi. And....there isn't anything there. Shucks. I thought if something showed up when I showed hidden, then I could have just deleted it. No such luck.

Any other ideas?
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Re: Need help solving a mystery break in the text.

Post by jtreagan »

Thanks, Jossi. And....there isn't anything there. Shucks. I thought if something showed up when I showed hidden, then I could have just deleted it. No such luck.

Any other ideas?
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Re: Need help solving a mystery break in the text.

Post by jtreagan »

Well, I just inadvertently discovered a partial answer. There is a footnote on the page that precedes the problem location. That footnote had a line return inserted after the text. I deleted that line and suddenly the screwed up page with the blank area corrected itself. Mostly. It still is somewhat messy, but is vastly improved.

So, the problem lies with how TextMaker deals with footnotes. Are there settings for the footnote feature that will help?
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