Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

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Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by ecbritz »

With some word processors, two documents can be compared to see the differences, the changes made in a certain version of a document, etc. It's indispensable in some editing or investigative operations. How do I compare documents with Textmaker 2018?
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by ecbritz »

I see this function was already envisioned seven years ago, three versions of Textmaker ago, by sven-l on Fri Jun 11, 2010: "There's no 'compare' mode in TextMaker, the only method is to open both documents and view them side by side (Windows/Tile vertically). I will open a feature request for such a mode." Comparing documents side-by-side is very time-consuming and prone to human error. Can Textmaker 2018 compare documents?
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by ecbritz »

It is possible to "compare documents" with WordPerfect and with LibreOffice, the latter of course a free program. The question remains if a document, fixed after comparing it with another, near-similar document, and then saved with either WordPerfect or LibreOffice, is a clean, MS Word and Textmaker compatible document. I would appreciate a response to this problem very much.
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by sven-l »

There is no function available in TextMaker to compare two documents. You can open two documents at the same time but you have to manually compare.
Sven Leßmann
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by ecbritz »

I don't want to beat a dead horse. But for some users, "compare documents" is a fairly essential word processing tool.

An example: You send a lengthy document or book, more than 100 pages, to the publisher. The document is edited and proofread, then returned to you for approval. It is very important that you can see every single change made to paragraphs, sentences and words, everything added or deleted as well, because misunderstanding or a weakening of expression often results from the editing and proofreading process. It is done by language practitioners not always as knowledgeable or mature as yourself in your field.

"Compare documents" reveals and clearly marks every single change made to your document, in the blink of an eyelid. No reading or comparative inspection necessary. It can save days of your time.
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by martin-k »

Nobody says we don't want to develop such a function. We just haven't had time yet.
Martin Kotulla
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by G.R.H »

ecbritz wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:55 am I see this function was already envisioned seven years ago, three versions of Textmaker ago, by sven-l on Fri Jun 11, 2010: "There's no 'compare' mode in TextMaker, the only method is to open both documents and view them side by side (Windows/Tile vertically). I will open a feature request for such a mode." Comparing documents side-by-side is very time-consuming and prone to human error. Can Textmaker 2018 compare documents?
martin-k wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:37 pm Nobody says we don't want to develop such a function. We just haven't had time yet.
With regard to the quotes; I have to ask - how much time do you need? No body is calling the baby ugly, but surely any product has to be customer led; 'give the customers what they want' - no?

I would rather have a stable product that performed the core functions well (word processing, in this case) than continuous iterations that just look pretty and do things I have no real need for and are better done by other programs at my disposal.
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by tomasfox »

Is there a timetable for the compare docs facility? Had I known it didn't exist I would have saved time yesterday looking for it, and probably not bought this program last year. I assumed that it was standard on most WP, so didn't even check. I'm going to have to move my novel doc elsewhere. which is a pity. So any news on future plans would be good. T
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by sven-l »

No, there is no schedule for this feature. We will inform you as soon as we have any news.
Sven Leßmann
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by DrTeeth »

It does not look as if this feature has been implemented yet. I have searched the manual for 'compare' and only got three hits, none of which relate to a compare feature.

C'mon chaps, you have had over 2 years and saying you have not had the time does not wash. If you wanted to find the time, I am sure that you would have done. That there is no schedule for over a year is shameful.


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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by miguel-c »

Every company's resources are limited, so we must prioritize. It's in our wish list.. you'll have to be patient. :thumbsup:
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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by DrTeeth »

That I do understand. But to wait years? That says more about where it is on your 'to do' list than any resource limitations.


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Re: Is it possible to compare two documents with Textmaker 2018?

Post by justRob »

Come on peeps - what's with all the hate? I presume that there's a reason that you chose Textmaker instead of just using Word. And, there's probably a fair number of us that are using the free version - we really don't have any ground to stand on.
Writing this software is hard when you're trying to track Word - never mind maintain other products. How many of you are software developers, and understand the trials and tribulations of product development (lack of resources, beaurocratic BS, etc.). I'm sure that Word document parsing has gotten so complex that you need an AI engine to try to figure it out.
Hey Softmaker - Thank You for the many years of providing a quality, FREE (for many of us), product alternative to MS !!
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