Problem With Numbered Lists

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Problem With Numbered Lists

Post by TheArtfulDodger »

I have the following problem. I have shortened for ease:

1. First item.
2. Second item.
xxxxxa. First sub-item. x = space.
xxxxxb. Second sub-item
3. Third item.
xxxxxa. First sub-item.
xxxxxb. Second sub-item.
4. Fourth item.
xxxxxc. Here is where it fails. It should be a., not c.

I have tried putting item 5 in the middle (right after 4.) but that didn't help. it insists on making the error. Now, in my list, instead or a & b, I had a - e and it insisted on puting f where it should have been a.
This is really annoying. I hope you can find a solution to this.

I do not use my name on forums. Thank you for your understanding.
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Re: Problem With Numbered Lists

Post by Woody44 »

It works for me. The key is how you initialize the numbered list.

I start on the Home tab, and look in the Paragraph panel. The second choice from the left is "Toggle numbering." Do NOT choose this to begin the numbered list. Instead, choose the third choice from the left, which is "Apply Numbered lists."

Clicking the small arrow next to this icon will open a drop-down window from which you can select the style of the numbered list you want. The second option on the top row matches your outline organization.

Type in the first two items normally. When you press the Enter key and the cursor jumps to the next item, go back to the Paragraph menu panel next to where you selected "Apply numbered lists" and click the icon with a right arrow, to indent to the next level of the outline. [ ==> ]

Type the two sub-items. When you press the Enter key to the third sub-item, go back to the Paragraph menu panel and click the left arrow [ <== ] to shif the outline back to the primary level. Just continue doing this. I encountered no issues with the fourth level and the sub-items under that level.

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