3GPP specs are publicly available and are very large (hundreds of pages of text, an image here and there, and up to tens of MBs in uncompresed DOC), so I believe they can serve as a good test for multiple purposes. I've downloaded 33.501-i10.zip from https://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/ ... es/33.501/. I don't have Word at hand at the moment for a precise comparison, but even opening the same file side-by-side in LibreOffice Writer shows differences. Listing the "page X" as in what's listed in every page header:
- the three lines of title stretch beyond the page right border (title page)
- images are missing (e.g. page 27)
- header only shows page number in the middle, not the release number nor spec name in the two corners (page 2 and onwards)
- reference link color looks weird (item [29] on page 18 or item [101] on page 20)
- "page end" doesn't seem to work (section 4 should start on page 27, not the very end of page 26)