One of the new changes to TM is that the tables of contents it generates can now have automatically generated hyperlinks. This is swell, or at least it would be if the feature worked properly.
In the first photo (“TOC - CTRL-Left-Clicking on Executive Summary.png”) I’m about to [Ctrl]+[Left-Click] on the TOC entry for “Executive Summary.” On the document map you can see that there is such a header. Unfortunately, as shown in the second photo ("Management Plan - Wrong Section, Unwanted Highlighted Text.png"), after I [Ctrl]+[Left-Click] I am taken to “Management Plan,” “Staffing Resumes.” Even the document map indicates that this is the wrong destination. Also, for no obvious reason, TM has selected a block of text.
[attachment=1]TOC - CTRL-Left-Clicking on Executive Summary.png[/attachment]
[attachment=2]Management Plan - Wrong Section, Unwanted Highlighted Text.png[/attachment]
The problem seems to be a result of the way Textmaker is generating its TOC hyperlinks. If I save a TM file as a .DOCX file (e.g., “TOC Hyperlinks NG - Example - Generated by Textmaker 2021.docx”) and open the result in genuine Word, it too leaps to the wrong location when TOC hyperlinks are used. On the other hand, if I have Word regenerate the TOC (e.g., "TOC Hyperlinks NG - Example - Generated by Textmaker 2021 - Fixed by Word.docx"), the TOC works in both Word and TM.
Bonus Problem:
There is also a problem with the .DOCX files TM generates when files contain page breaks followed by paragraph styles with “pagination” set to “page break.” When the resulting .DOCX file is viewed in Word, one too many page breaks occur, in addition to other minor related issues. This problem occurs with the sample documents I've attached here.
Except for the "fixed" .DOCX file, which was created by Word, the document files were created with TextMaker Professional 2021 (rev S1030.0201), 64bit version.
The example document is an expurgated version of a draft document. Absolutely none of the information it contains is real, and yes I am aware of the typos.
Kind regards,
Richard Kanarek
Table of Contents (TOC) Hyperlinks are Defective; Bonus Problem: .DOCX Export of Page Breaks with Pagination Needs Help
Table of Contents (TOC) Hyperlinks are Defective; Bonus Problem: .DOCX Export of Page Breaks with Pagination Needs Help
- Attachments
- TOC Hyperlinks NG - Example DOCX and TMD Files.rar
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- Posts: 27
- Joined: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Re: Table of Contents (TOC) Hyperlinks are Defective; Bonus Problem: .DOCX Export of Page Breaks with Pagination Needs H
FYA I have a similar problem, and I posted it on the 3rd week of April. Gave them the document with the TOC to show that the hypertext links are all over the place. Thought I'd share this with you too.
Re: Table of Contents (TOC) Hyperlinks are Defective; Bonus Problem: .DOCX Export of Page Breaks with Pagination Needs H
I apologize for being redundant, but there was a significant difference in time between when I wanted to write the post, when I wrote the post, and when I posted the post. To put it mildly, I am not working under ideal conditions.
I hope my "bonus problem" won't be lost in our discussion of the TOC problem. (I probably should have put it in its own thread.) In an effort to draw attention to it, here it is again:
Bonus Problem:
There is also a problem with the .DOCX files TM generates when files contain page breaks followed by paragraph styles with “pagination” set to “page break.” When the resulting .DOCX file is viewed in Word, one too many page breaks occur, in addition to other minor related issues. This problem occurs with the sample documents I've attached here.
I apologize for being redundant, but there was a significant difference in time between when I wanted to write the post, when I wrote the post, and when I posted the post. To put it mildly, I am not working under ideal conditions.
I hope my "bonus problem" won't be lost in our discussion of the TOC problem. (I probably should have put it in its own thread.) In an effort to draw attention to it, here it is again:
Bonus Problem:
There is also a problem with the .DOCX files TM generates when files contain page breaks followed by paragraph styles with “pagination” set to “page break.” When the resulting .DOCX file is viewed in Word, one too many page breaks occur, in addition to other minor related issues. This problem occurs with the sample documents I've attached here.
Re: Table of Contents (TOC) Hyperlinks are Defective; Bonus Problem: .DOCX Export of Page Breaks with Pagination Needs H
Thanks for reporting these problems. I have forwarded the details of TOC problem to our developers team.
For the Bonus problem: It's always better to start a different thread for different problems. I have checked the document shared by you and unable to find this problem, so please share some screenshots of the problem for better understanding.
For the Bonus problem: It's always better to start a different thread for different problems. I have checked the document shared by you and unable to find this problem, so please share some screenshots of the problem for better understanding.
Re: Table of Contents (TOC) Hyperlinks are Defective; Bonus Problem: .DOCX Export of Page Breaks with Pagination Needs H
Dear SuperTech:
Thanks for your reply.
I entirely agree with your opinion that I should have started a new thread, hence I have done so:
Preview: .DOCX Export of Headings with Page Break Pagination Needs Help
Richard Kanarek
Thanks for your reply.
I entirely agree with your opinion that I should have started a new thread, hence I have done so:
Preview: .DOCX Export of Headings with Page Break Pagination Needs Help
Richard Kanarek