Feature requests

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Editing Onsteroids
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Feature requests

Post by Editing Onsteroids »

I translate movie scripts using Fountain markup which in the end, really only means working in pure txt mode.

It would be great if Textmaker had a Fountain Screenplay viewer... whereby one could enter everything in left-aligned, "vanilla" text mode and then one had the possibility of clicking on "VIEW" and - presto-bingo - one could see a formatted movie script (formatted as per the American industrial standard - i.e. Final Draft).

That would already be cool, but my REAL feature request is to add another (alternate) system for editing on flatscreen handhelds (phones, but most especially the smaller Android tablets).

Editing on Android handhelds (by "handhelds" I mean No EXTERNAL KEYBOARDS) is such a subpar experience that willy-nilly, I've had to switch to the iPad mini.

I've tried several times to make feature requests to app creators in the Android Sphere to fix up the situation, but have never had any luck, whereas in iOS realm, I have two implementations (one cautious, the other full-fledged) that make most editing operations faster (snappier) and requiring of less "anatomy" than what is normal on a regular computer using - say - Microsoft Word or Textmaker for Windows.

Whereas inputting (thumbing) text on a handheld will never beat touch-typing, the editing is NOW provably faster. I'll send you screen-capture clips if you doubt it.

So you combine pretty fast thumbing, with way-faster editing, with way-faster dictionary and info look ups, with markdown and/or markup for formatting, which do away with the need for text selection... and at long last you've got work-anywhere, anytime, in any position productivity.

No more keen eye commanding pudgy thumb to move miniscule mini-handles over teensy text.

Would you be willing to hear me out regarding this alternate method for editing on handhelds?

I'm a Textmaker aficionado from way back (Jornada). But I've given up on working on my portable android. Now to me SoftMaker means flexiPDF and a great bunch of fonts and CUTOUT 9 (which isn't you but somehow came through you).

I have Textmaker on my Android device - a REALME - but for all it packs amazing features, it's simply too clunky for my editing intensive line of work.

Hope the weather's better in Nuremburg, all the best,
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Re: Feature requests

Post by raitis.veksejs »

Thank you for your feedback and feature request. I have forwarded it to the SoftMaker team for consideration...
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