version numbers

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version numbers

Post by freelsjd »

I just updated the beta version of NX to the latest version. This reminded me of a long-standing issue I have with softmaker version numbers.

I look at the version number in my dpkg listing under debian/bullseye/11.7, for softmaker nx, I see "3334".

I look at the "about softmaker" version number shown within the software itself under the ? symbol shown in the top right-hand corner, I see

I look at the Softmaker website for latest version for NX software service packs ( and I see "Revision 1064"

So, my question: what is the relationship between 3334, S1111.0529, 1064 ? How is the common user supposed to know if he has the latest version installed ? What is the version ?

- a mystery from here ...
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Re: version numbers

Post by martin-k »

1064 is the latest build of SoftMaker Office 2021.

1111 is the latest build of SoftMaker Office NX (2024 release).

If you divide 3334 by three and remove the decimals, you have the build number. The reason is that, for historic reasons, we multiply the build number by 3 and add +0, +1 or +2. This previously depended on version (trial, Standard, Professional) but is no longer relevant.
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: version numbers

Post by freelsjd »

OK. Please allow me to repeat back and expand to make sure I understand.

The version shown on the download pages is the official release and different from the beta version. So, 1064 and 1111 (or 1112 now) is a later beta version.

The release number now from a new beta release that came out a few days ago is 3337. This is the number shown on my linux/debian install listing from dpkg -l

if I take 3337/3 = 1112.333333333333

drop beyond the decimal (take the integer portion), I get 1112

The beta version is the standard version S

It was released on 06/03/2023, therefore 0603

Concatenated altogether we get S1112.0603

This is the official version shown within the software itself when the "about" button is clicked.

If this is correct, and it is interesting for sure, my only suggestion as a beta user is to change the about button to read 3337, or change the dpkg -l listing to read S1112.0603. This way a common user like myself has a consistency between the two he can check.
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Re: version numbers

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestion. I have forwarded this to our product management...
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